The Painted Dogs Project

3 minute read Published: 2019-05-01

In August of 2018, I began working on the Painted Dogs Project. This project is sponsored by the Notre Dame Mobile Computing Lab. The focus of the project is to give researchers in Zimbabwe access to a tool that allows them to track the movements and population of an endangered species, the Painted Dog. A future state goal of the project is to allow anyone, especially tourists, to use the site, so that the researchers can have as many pictures of the dogs as possible.

From our site:

We have developed a website, which combines the efforts of tourist sightings and researcher verification into a unified system that takes advantage of recent advances in mobile computing, deep learning and computer vision. We use current painted dog images to build a robust dog image identification and segmentation deep learning model and a dog re-identification deep learning model. Once the new sightings are verified by researchers, corresponding dog identities and images will be added into the database for further modeling training and dog re-identification.


A few features of the site:


My responsibilities included:

We built the application on Amazon Web Services. The core operating model worked like this:


I am grateful to have had the opportunity to work on this project. I learned a great deal about Amazon Web Services, project development, and collaboration with offshore team members.

I have chosen to omit a link to the site as it is still a work in progress, and is only meant to be used by the researchers themselves. You can visit the site of the Notre Dame Mobile Computing Lab to learn more about this project and others.